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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grocery Game & Southern Savers Part 2

I have to admit that when I first found Southern Savers my thought was, "How in the world am I going to keep track of this?"

I liked Grocery Game because it did all of the work for me. I made my list on Friday, pulled the coupons I needed, and moved on. I loved that I never had to really choose and clip coupons. Each week that the Sunday circular came, I filed it away in it's own folder. I would come back and clip only what I needed based on the GG List. I'd put the list and the coupons in a small envelope and head to the store. Here's what it looked like:

I was tempted to add other stores to my list but as a very busy mom of three toddlers, there just wasn't time for me to shop multiple stores. Also, my favorite store, Target, is not currently on the Grocery Game List.

Then I discovered Southern Savers. I love it because it lists the Target Deals each week. The coupon matchups are easy to read and the Internet coupon links are so helpful! But then, I felt compelled to clip random coupons and print extra Internet coupons. I slowly ended up with a drawer that looked like this:

What's the point of having coupons if you can't find them quickly and efficiently? Not to mention, I can't tell you how many times I've been in the store, seen a great deal and knew that I had a coupon for it at home. But because it wasn't on the grocery list, I didn't have it with me.

Then I found THIS. I knew when I saw these photos, that I was finally going to become "that" lady at the grocery store toting around a million coupons.

So, today I ran to Office Depot and picked up a 3 ring binder, dividers and plastic pages. I spent less than $10 and I'm very excited to start putting it all together. The only mistake I've made so far, is that I purchased business card plastic pages and they are just not wide enough for coupons. So, I just snagged a package of super cheap 9 pocket baseball card protector sheets off of Ebay. They should do the trick. Doesn't this look great?!

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